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Keris have dhapur Sabuk Inten has grooves 11 and comes with Ricikan follows: Flower
nuts (kembang kacang ), Lambe gajah (elephant lips), double sogokan , tikel alis
, greneng, pejetan and sraweyan.Estimated time of the artificial Pajang
Kingdom at 16th century, although the short era of this kingdom was the master at
work with great care and subtlety proved excellent workmanship it shows the
level of prosperity that time. The appearance of pamor is clearly established warih
tetesing and Pulo tirta at behind. Keris
sheathmade of fragrant sandalwood form Gayaman iras Surakarta.
blewahan made of silver weighing 270 grams with softcarved . The handle of
the kris (dhedher) made of nagasari wood and decorated selut made of silver.